It is true that sometime in the nineteenth
century, there was indeed a crucial shift within Western consciousness: one
which can be characterized as a sbift from humanism to modernism. But, for the
most part, architecture, in its dogged adherнence to the principles of
function, did not participate in or understand the fundaнmental aspects of that
change . . . This shift away from the dominant attitudes of humanism, that were
pervasive in Western societies for some four hundred years, took place at
various times in the nineteenth century in such disparate disciplines as
mathematics, music, painting, literature, film, and photography. It is
displayed in the non-objective abstract painting of Malevich and Mondrian; in
the non-narrative, atemporal writing of Joyce and Apollinaire; the atonal and
polytonal compositions of Schonberg and Webern; in the non-narrative films of
Richter and Eggeling.
Abstraction, atonality, and atemporality,
however, are merely stylistic maniнfestations of modernism, not its essential
nature. Although this is not the place to elaborate a theory of modernism, or
indeed to represent those aspects of such theory which have already found their
way into the literature of the other humanнist disciplines, it can simply be
said that the symptoms to which one has just pointed suggest a displacement of
man away from the center of his world. He is no longer viewed as an originating
agent. Objects are seen as ideas independent of man. In this context, man is a
discursive function among complex and already-formed systems of language, which
he witnesses but does not constitute . . .
Modernism, as a
sensibility based on the fundamental displacement of man, represents what
Michel Foucault would specify as a new episteme. Deriving from a non-humanistic
attitude toward the relationship of an individual to his physical environment,
it breaks with the historical past, both with the ways of viewing man as subject and, as we have said, with the
ethical positivism of form and funcнtion. Thus, it cannot be related to
functional ism. It is probably for this reason that modernism has not up to now
been elaborated in architecture . . .
What is being called post-functionalism
begins as an attitude which recogнnizes modernism as a new and distinct
sensibility. It can be understood in archiнtecture in terms of a theoretical
base that is concerned with what might be called a modernist dialectic, as
opposed to the old humanist (ie functionalist) opposition of form and function.
This new theoretical base changes the
humanist balance of form/function to a dialectical relationship within the
evolution of form itself. The dialectic can best be described as the potential
co-existence within any form of two non-corroborating and non-sequential
tendencies. One tendency is to presume architectural form to be a recognizable
transformation from some pre-existent geometric or platonic solid. In this
case, form is usually understood through a series of registrations designed to
recall a more simple geometric condition. This tendency is certainly a relic of
humanist theory. However, to this is added a second tendency that sees
architectural form in an atemporal, decompositional mode, as something
simplified from some pre-existent set of non-specific spatial entities. Here,
form is understood as a series of fragments - signs without meaning dependent
upon, and without reference to, a more basic condition. The former tendency,
when taken by itself, is a reductivist attitude and assumes some primary unity
as both an ethical and an aesthetic basis for all creation. The latter, by
itself, assumes a basic condition of fragmentation and multiplicity from which
the resultant form is a state of simplification. Both tendencies, however, when
taken together, constitute the essence of this new, modern dialectic. They
begin to define the inherent nature of the object in and of itself and its
capacity to be represented. They begin to suggest that the theoretical assumpнtions
of functionalism are in fact cultural rather than universal.
Post-functionalism, thus, is a term of
absence. In its negation of functionalism it suggests certain positive
theoretical alternatives - existing fragments of thought which, when examined,
might serve as a framework for the development of a larger theoretical
structure - but it does not, in and of itself, propose to supply a label for
such a new consciousness in architecture which I believe is potentially upon
Extracts Source: Opposition 6,1 976 published
by the MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass), Fall 1976.