И.Л. Галинская Реферат книги "Дж. С. Аллен. Америка конца века и сумерки культуры"
Список литературы
1. Barzun J. From dawn to decadence: 500 years of Western cultural life, 1500 to the present. - N.Y., 2000. - 878 p.
2. Clausen Ch. Faded mosaic: The emergence of post-cultural America. - N.Y., 2000. - 224 p.
3. Gabler N. Life: The movie. How entertainment conquered reality. - N.Y., 2000. - 304 p.
4. Kämmen M. American culture, American Tastes: Social change and the 20 th century. - N.Y., 1999.-320 p.